John Bejakovic – Simple Money Email
“Simple Money Emails”
… so you can make more money from your list today and keep your readers coming back tomorrow
• Revealed: My simple, “hypnotic,” 1-2 process, distilled after close to 2,000 sales emails
• Requires no unusual creativity, no special writing skill, no previous sales experience, but only a willingness to follow a few simple instructions
My name is John Bejakovic. Ever since 2015, I’ve been writing daily sales emails, both for clients and for my own businesses.
Some of these sales emails have mailed to lists of hundreds of thousands of readers. Others regularly sold between $4k and $5k worth of products, every day, for years at a time.
In case you would like to own this valuable skill yourself, then I’d like to invite you inside an offer I call “Simple Money Emails.” Here’s what’s included inside this offer:
1. My Simple Money Emails training. This training breaks down Simple Money Emails into two easy steps, and shows you how you too can write such emails on demand, starting today. The training is delivered online, in a members-only area of my site. It’s mainly text — beautiful text that you can read, scan through, and search. And yes, there are also a few pictures to lighten the mood.
2. Simple Money Email Swipes. This is a swipe file containing 51 of my simplest, most effective money-making emails. These include all the emails I reference in the core SME training, plus many more — all highlighted and marked up to show you the relevant ideas or concepts in action.
3. Quick & Dirty Emails That Make Money. This is a presentation I gave in 2021 to Igor Kheifets’s $97/month mastermind. I talked about my experience writing daily emails to two large lists made up of ecommerce buyers — which were each making $4k to $5k in sales with each email, day after day. In many ways, this one-off, exclusive presentation was the forerunner to the complete Simple Money Emails training.
4. 9 Deadly Email Sins. This training sums up the 9 most frequent pieces of copywriting feedback I’ve given to the successful business owners and course creators who have paid me multiple thousands of dollars for one-on-one coaching. I sold this training for $100 when I put it on live, but it’s yours free as part of Simple Money Emails.
5. The price for the Simple Money Emails, parts 1-4 above, is $197.
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