Jason Fladlien – Prosperity Algorithm
About us: Jason Fladlien – Prosperity Algorithm
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About the course: Jason Fladlien – Prosperity Algorithm
SESSION 1: A Prosperous Purpose
It’s hard to be “at ease” if you’re not living authentically. And the opposite of ease is dis-ease. And dis-ease becomes disease without purpose.
Lack of purpose leads to increases in heart attacks, strokes, premature death, and a whole host of mental illnesses.
With purpose, all things are endurable, and prosperity is possible. In this session you’ll discover:
- The “flirt with purpose” exercise to immediately up-level your life quality
- The “mini Einstein” exercise to get more joy out of each hour of your day
- How to use “linguistic judo” to better shape your actions to your purpose
- The concept of micro-purposes to get results while you work out your true purpose
- The MEGA MODEL – the ultimate purpose-unconvering exercise is now at your fingertips
- How to tap into purpose hall-of-famers to draw inspiration to your own purpose
- The biggest mistake people make when trying to find their purpose (and what to do instead)
- The 10 sources of purposes (at least one of these will make the world more right for you)
This session is available to download in audio format and is accompanied by a PDF of the presentation slides as well as an exercise.
SESSION 2: The Structure of Freedom
Freedom is not a lack of structure. Nor is structure a lack of freedom. These forces must coexist in harmony if you want prosperity. This session shows you how. You’ll discover:
- Zone thinking vs. binary thinking (Most people do one of these and suffer. Do the other and prosper.)
- A simple question that, once you ansewr it, will give you a clue on what you can immediately do to gain an instant surge in prosperity
- Why modern society now makes it impossible to enjoy true prosperity without doing this
- The 4 areas of your life you must put conscious structure around (without it, you’ll feel the world is chaotic and spinning out of control)
- The power of micro-rouines and how to use it to re-wire current behavioral limitations into more empowering actions
- What “cognitive load” is and how to offload it so you can be happier while thinking less
- The value of “schemas” and why it may be the single greatest advantage you can have for thriving in the modern world
- The “folding up” method to get big results quicker than many think possible
- Why you should intentionally schedule chaos (you’ll love this psychological hack!)
- How to make it so natural that the right resources become available to you at the right time in the right amount (a game changer!)
- Why will power is not a factor in your prosperity or success (sorry, it’s not YOU)
- Structure hacking and how you can make even putting on your socks and shoes supercharge your prosperity (sneaky and weird and oh-so-effective)
This session is available to download in audio format and is accompanied by a PDF of the presentation slides as well as an exercise.
Jason Fladlien – Prosperity Algorithm download now at: https://usefulcourse.com/shop/
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Jason Fladlien – Prosperity Algorithm download
Name of course: Jason Fladlien – Prosperity Algorithm
Delivery Method: Instant Download (Mega)
Contact for more details: usefulcourse.sp@gmail.com
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